- Dimensions: 9.5" H, 17.25" W, 13/64" Thickness
- Letter Size: 1" Stroke with 8" Height
- Letter Color: Photoluminescent
- Background: Black, Green or Red
- Construction: injection molded ABS
- Directional: Two Self adhesive photoluminescent directional chevrons included for field application.
- Viewing Distance: 100 Feet - Sign will remain visible and legible in total darkness to observers standing 100 feet away from the sign for at least 90 minutes after all light has been extinguished.
- Life Expectancy: 25 years
- Applications: High location, floor proximity, we location, indoor/ outdoor use.
- Installation: Install Photoluminescent exit signs only in locations where an external Illumination Source is present, is deemed reliable, and is supplied by a circuit not controlled by autometic timers or sensors, and where controls are accessible only to authorized personnel. Minimum of 5 foot - candle (54 lux) external Illumination of unfiltered metal halide, fluorescent, mercury vapor or LED Charging light sources required on sign face at all times of building occupancy.
- Charging Time: Initial Charging Time is 60 minutes.
- Sign Substrate: Injection molded ABS
- Features: Non electrical, non radioactive, explosion proof, UV stable, durable, minimal Installation and maintenance expense, Photoluminescent cast 3D raised lettering.
- Approvals: UL 924 listed, Meets NFPA 101 Life safety code, JCAHO & OSHA, ICC - IBC, ICBO - UBC, BOCA - NBC,SBCCI - SBC, NFPA 101, 5000, 1/UFC, CA Bldg. Code, and ASTM 2072
- Warranty: 15 year limited Warranty to the original customer against defects in Workmanship and materials.